Earth Day

I have an acquaintance Lilly, who is a culinary wizard. There was  an Earth Day expo at our local highschool. She was selling chocolate lollipops.

Around the edge it says “Make Every Day Earth Day” She was raising money for the Osa Wildlife preserve in Costa Rica. I’ve been working on the Cable Dress but we went fishing this weekend. As usual I didn’t catch a thing but the family next to us caught about 20 fish between them. Next time I’ll have some new knitty pictures I promise.

My New Toy

On Wednesday I got a new camera. I loved my old Kodak but when I was photographing some damage at our cabin I dropped it in the sand and the lens got scratched. Then a few weeks later it quit focussing right. Anyway, here’s my new toy.

I love it. The pictures are so much clearer. It really is a nice camera. The best part is that it is waterproof, now when I trip and fall in the creek it won’t matter so much.



I finished stuffing Simple Small Bear. I also embroidered the face. The picture here was my first attempt. I did not like the face and eventually re-did it…

I’ve been working on  a little hat for a friend of mine who is expecting. It’s a simple cable pattern. The only problem is that I did not realize that the cable pattern shrunk my gauge. I may have to frog and repeat…

I call it Umbilical Cord, for the twisting cables. I also worked on the Cable Dress and got a good five inches done.

An oddity

I’ve been doing some spinning lately. I have some dark blue wool left over from a fiber camp from a few years ago… It seems almost brittle, any reason for that? I’ve kept it in an airtight container in a plastic shopping bag. I started stuffing Simple Small Bear.

As you can see I’m not quite finished.

While I was at work today I found something (that has nothing to do with knitting but…) amusing.

There are nine creamers there. The lids somtimes stick, as you see here. Well it made me laugh.