Blog Hop (Part III)

Here’s a list of the blogs who participated in the hop! I know I’m a few days late. So sorry.

And I shall leave you with this picture my sister sent me of a yarnbombed stop sign.



It’s kinda hard to see but if you squint…

A big thanks to Erin who started the hop!


Blog Hop (Part II)

It has been a month since the blog hop started. Everyone in the blog hop was supposed to try and finish as many W.I.P.s as they could. My goal was to knit up a hat for my friend, Taylor in that month. I had a skein of Cascade 128 Superwash in the colorway ‘Jet’. I thought I knew what I wanted. A slouch guy-y beanie. It went from  this:


to this:


to, finally, this:


Taaa-daaa! Dropped stitches!


I was amazed at how soft the yarn got after it’s blocking bath. It was soft before but know it’s like wearing a cloud on your head.


I didn’t finish the pattern yet because I do not hat any pictures of it being worn. But I will soon!

So, how was your blog hop?

Sweater Season

There are signs of fall everywhere.


I’ve been collecting acorns to make a Tannic Acid mordant out of.


I have to fight the deer (they come right up onto our front walk, sheesh!) to get any pears.

I even actually wore hand-knit socks yesterday!

As the temperature dips I continually think about a sweater; how nice it would be to have one to snuggle in on crisp mornings. Yesterday I went on Ravelry and found the Adult’s pullover by the Bernat Design Studios. It’s nice and simple; Garter and Stockinette stitch. I didn’t have any sweater quantities of yarn in my stash, unfortunately.

Or did I?

The Cable dress some of you might remember. IT has been languishing for almost a year or so. I did what any knitter would do.

I frogged all 14 inches of it.


I am planning to start the sweater (which I have dubbed the “Super Snuggly Sweater”) once I have finished E-String which, once again, I had to restart. I’d show it to you but it looks the same as both previous times, just a little smaller.

I finished Mia’s Scar the other day and I love it.



I think I’ll call it “Hourglass”. I finally published the Pdf version of Strawberry Mittens on Ravlery if that’s more your thang.

Knit Night

I love going to my Lys. Being surrounded by all that yarn is inspiring and downright intoxicatng. When I went Tuesday night to get more yarn for Mia’s scarf I stumbled upon a knit night.

I have never been to one of those, being a rather solitary knitter. But, I was invited to sit down and knit a few rows on my ssp #2. I bought my first pair of Addi Turbos. They are heavenly. 🙂

Being immersed in yarn for that long has set my mind awhirl. There is another coworker who is expecting this spring and darn it if I don’t knit up something nice for her. I’m not too keen on a baby sweater because it’ll be a spring baby so it won’t have much use for one. I could knit one for the next fall but I’d rather make something she could use immediately.
Unfortunately my laptop is at Best Buy being repaired and this post is being written on my iPod do no pictures until next time.