To: The Best Followers Ever

I’ve been putting off this post for a couple of hours now. Since I’ve arrived home from vacation I’ve done all sorts of things; unpacked, started some laundry, opened the mail, replied to comments on Instagram/twitter/Facebook, and given my kitty some loving. Not necessarily in that order. One thing I haven’t done is write a blog post which I promised myself I would do soon after I got home. So here goes…

I’ve been blogging here for almost three years. It has been fun and I have not regretted a single moment of it. But, I’ve gone from a naïve fifteen-year-old to a slightly-less naïve eighteen-year-old. I no longer have dreams of becoming a famous knitwear designer (Now, that’s an oxymoron), I’ve found that knitting for the sake of knitting is what works for me. No pressure, no deadlines (except for December 25th, that one always sneaks up on me.), just me, my fiber and a pair of sticks.

I’ve grown up and, sadly, I’ve outgrown this blog. I love it to pieces but it isn’t me as much any more. I have no need, no desire, to be Cleo Lititz anymore (Part of the deal I made with my mother when starting my blog was that I’d have a pseudonym). I still love knitting and blogging but, I need more room to grow. I am going off to college in the fall and with that fresh start in mind I decided to make another one. I am in the process of starting a new blog. It’s a big leap of faith that is somewhat scary, I’ve worked hard here and I’m fond of all of this, but it’s time.

I would love to see some familiar faces over in the new space. It would mean a lot to me if you would stop by and say hello. I don’t have any post up just yet but there is the about page.

Thank you all for being here and reading my ramblings. Especially to those of you who reached out and liked and/or commented and let me know I wasn’t blogging into the void. I love all of you and hope you’ll continue to follow me in my journey.

For the last time, Cleo Lititz

Beach Preperations

Two years ago I did my first yarn bomb at a beach in Delaware.



Well, a scrap pile by the bridge. Since then I have done a few but not many. I thought it would be fun this year to take a few down with me and see how many tags I can do.


I went through my box of FOs that don’t have a home. There were several squares from a blanket I was planning on making in middle school that will work great for little tags. I’ll hopefully be able to show off a few when I get back.

Resolution Recaps 5 & 6

Well I’m finally caught up! Over the weekend I knit two months worth of days into the weather scarf. It’s getting so long that I’ve taken to rolling it up as I knit, to reduce the bulkiness. Here it is sans rubber bands.
The teal section on my needles right now is the largest section of any one color, seven days. Here’s what it looks like all stretched out.
0-10 degrees F: White 
11-20 degrees F: Black 
21-30 degrees F: Grey 
31-40 degrees F: Dark Blue 
41-50 degrees F: Green 
51-60 degrees F: Purple 
61-70 degrees F: Lime Green
71-80 degrees F: Teal 
81-90 degrees F: Yellow 
91-100 degrees F: Orange 
101-110 degrees F: Red
Holey moley right? The colors shifting is really obivious in both pictures.

I’ve been trying to get back into the rhythm of one square every day on the blanket. The last time you all saw it, (waaay back in March) it looked like this;

But, after adding to eleven squares to it over the Memorial Day weekend and a bunch yesterday, it looks like this:

I honestly cannot remember what yarns I ran out of this month but, there are a few special squares I want to share individually.

This square is made out of literally all that was left of the yarn from the Bahamas Socks.

This square is made of some oft eh leftovers from Gingko Shawlette, there will be plenty more where it came form.



These squares are both yarns from a swap I did in June with a fellow instagrammer, Jesse. Her username is @oocha if you want to check out her sock yarn blankie which, she has named Mrs. Weasley’s Blanket.

Are any of you making sock yarn blankies (or similar projects)and want to swap mini skeins with me? I’d love to swap with you guys. It’s always fun to add a little more variety to the Blanket.