Notions Therapy

Day Four (Thursday 15th May): Conversations Between Workers.
Start by writing a few short paragraphs from the point of view of one of the tools you use for your craft. this might be a spinning wheel, crochet hook, pair of scissors or your knitting bag. These first few lines should include a description of this tool’s task and usage. If you are feeling particularly in tune with this item you might assign it feelings.

Then, write a dialogue between yourself and this item. It might describe your relationships, the annoyances that you have felt for this item at some point (or could it have possible ever have felt annoyances with you) and the wonderful work that you have created together.

I decided to put my own spin on this prompt since I neglected yesterday’s. I decided to write as if one my petulant darning needles (they just disappear everywhere, couches, backpacks, you name it I’ve probably lost one in it) was going to therapy.

The scene: A cozy bedroom with slightly purple walls, an armchair with a teenage knitter in it and an end table with a few framed pictures on it and knitting magazines in the side holders. On top of the table, in front of a lamp are a porcupine pin cushion, a stitch marker and a darning needle.


Cleo: Hello everybody and welcome to this week’s Notions Therapy.

Notions: Hello Cleo.

Cleo: I see we have a new face with us today. Can you tell us your name and what kind of notion you are?

Daryl: Hello my name’s Daryl and I’m a darning needle.

Cleo: Why don’t we have everyone else introduce themselves to Daryl? I’ll start. I’m Cleo and I’m a knitter.

Penny: Hello, my name’s Penny and I’m a pin cushion.

Marcus: Hello, my name’s Marcus and I’m a stitch marker.

Daryl: Hello everybody.

Cleo: So Marcus, at the end of last session we were talking about how you felt like your relationship with Nina was on-again-off-again. Care to continue?

Marcus: Yeah, every time she comes around she just leaves right away. Zoom! Onto the next stitch, no time for me.

Cleo: Well, you know that’s how circular needles can be… They’re just going around and around… But they’ll always come back to you. You just have to decide if this relationship is the kind you want. And if not? Maybe get to know the nice stitches to your left and right. Penny leans forward

Penny: You think you have a crappy relationship? I can’t seem to get anyone to stick around. Gesturing wildly A few pins fly out. Everyone ducks. As soon as I get them whipped into shape they leave.

Cleo: Do you think, Picks a pin out of her hair, maybe that you’re being to controlling?

Penny: Yeah I know. Sighs. It’s just so hard to find a nice lace piece these days. Looks pointedly at Cleo.

Cleo: Guilty as charged. I just don’t have the patience for lace.

Daryl: At least you get to be involved with the knitting. I just tie up everybody’s loose ends. Slumps in his seat.

Cleo: You could look at it like that. Or, you could think of yourself as the one who holds everything together.

Daryl: Yeah, that’s true. Sits up straighter.

Cleo: Looks at watch We don’t have a lot of time left, before we end this meeting is there anything you would like to add?

Penny: Knit something lace.

Daryl: With a lot of seaming.

Marcus: In the round.

Cleo: I’ll see what I can do.

Something Worth Blogging About

Today I was waiting on a lady and I noticed that on her hand-knit felted purse she had a pin that said “I knit therefore I am” I commented and told her how much I liked her purse. She told me she made it herself. When I informed her that I was a knitter as well she said “Oh so YOU’RE the knitter.”

Ummm… Ok.

She assured me it was all good. Apparently the owner of the lys had mentioned me because of living on the other side of a long-term construction project that increases the time it takes to voyage into town by about say fifteen or twenty minutes… Needless to say my trips to said lys have decreased in response to that, gas prices, and my quitting time. Weirdness aside, I did a little happy dance in my head, now I have something worth blogging about. See? I do really think about you guys when I’m off-line.

Anyway, part two: The dogs got taken to the creek for a bath with some nice biodegradable shampoo.

F.Y.I. when you walk into this plant it sounds like a rattle snake <insert me trying to stiffle a very high-pitched scream here>

Coal enjoying the creek

Wilbur wants a ride from Coal, he’s really just a big ‘fraidy cat

And here’s Coal rolling in the sand after his bath